Critical Areas of Concern Shared by Senior level Nursing Students Related to the Transition from Student Nurse to Practicing Nurse
On November 7, 2023, The Connecticut Center for Nursing Workforce, Inc. (CCNW) held its 43rd Annual RN Student Day that attracted over 830 senior level nursing students from Connecticut Schools and Programs of Nursing. During a morning session, Marcia B. Proto, M.ED, CAS, Executive Director of the CCNW, asked each of the (85) tables to select a Table Captain for an activity. The Table Captain was to engage their peers in open dialogue to identify and capture their thoughts and concerns related to the transition from student nurse to practicing nurse. The student feedback which represents 28% of the current senior level nursing students was a true “eye-opener”. They identified five key areas that students want, and need addressed by both academe and practice related to pre-and post-hire concerns which would help foster a seamless transition to practice for the graduating nursing student and promote retention of the new nurse within the first year. As a result, CCNW will be developing and delivering programming to address these five (5) keys areas to support the leadership of Connecticut’s nursing schools and practice settings via interactive webinars that will be delivered via our professional development “Lunch and Learn Webinar Series” beginning in early 2024. CCNW categorized the student responses and feedback into the following five key areas:
February 2025