About CCNW.The Connecticut Center for Nursing Workforce, Inc. (CCNW)
Our Mission.To foster collaborations to ensure a highly educated, diverse, and sustainable nursing workforce to support the healthcare needs of Connecticut residents.
Learn about CCNW.Coming soon - video to learn about CCNW's Past, Present and Future!
Our Goal.CCNW provides nursing and the healthcare industry access to state and national reports related to nursing workforce and educational capacity within Connecticut. Research data can be utilized to support education, workforce or labor planning and development initiatives. The Guide to Nursing Education and Professional Development in Connecticut can be accessed to identifying Schools in Connecticut that offer pre &post-licensure education for career mobility.
How we Impact.Impact on Healthcare & Nursing Workforce Development Activities in Connecticut
Over the past 15 years, the Connecticut League for Nursing (CLN) and The Connecticut Center for Nursing Workforce (CCNW) have been the primary organizations in Connecticut spearheading the “day to day” engagement of Connecticut’s healthcare workforce stakeholders; securing funding for various healthcare workforce initiatives; negotiating the first license agreement for access to the Sentinel Network; and raising the sponsorship dollars to host statewide Nursing and Healthcare Workforce Summits.
Our Legacy.