Connecticut Employers - Establish a standardized process for your student clinical placements, and minimize the workload of managing and tracking this complex process with your academic partners
Online Student Clinical Placement System
The Connecticut Center for Nursing Workforce, Inc. (CCNW) designed, implemented, and adopted an online Student Clinical Placement System (The System) to manage the process of nursing student clinical placements across Connecticut over the past four years. The System supports both the academic and practice settings with aligning the student placement processes for: clinical rotations, capstones, and observation experiences.
The System:
The System:
- Minimizes the workload of managing and tracking this complex process for practice settings,
- Establishes a standardized process that can be adopted in one facility or scaled across a healthcare system,
- Provides seamless “in system” communications and engagement between practice and academic partners,
- Delivers practice evaluation features to document student “fit” to the organization & clinical practice areas,
- Provides an opportunity to identify and measure the actual capacity of clinical experiences available to nursing students statewide; and assess if student placement needs exceed available practice capacity, and
- Enables our schools & programs of nursing to expand enrollments, student seat capacity, and graduation rates to provide additional nurses to the workforce.
Connecticut Schools (Academic Partners) who are currently utilizing the system:
Connecticut employers (Practice Partners) who are currently utilizing the system:
Should you be a Connecticut Employer that hires nurses and are interested in learning more about the online Student Clinical Placement System and how the CCNW can manage your clinical placements for nursing students, please contact: Peggy Mallick, Program Manager CT Center for Nursing Workforce, Inc. 203-691-5013 (office) |